Thursday, February 24, 2011

Using Professional Photography to Build Your Brand

by Vince Rogers

There is an old adage that says “A picture is worth a thousand words.” To state it another way, a bad picture makes zero impact. These days it may be possible to take good pictures and create effective headshots yourself. However, you may want to consider using a professional photographer to gain the maximum impact for your brand.

Cost effective and easy to use digital cameras have given the masses access to tools that were once only accessible to professionals. While technology has somewhat leveled the playing field, the techniques employed by a professional photographer may be what your branding efforts really require. The strategic usage of the right photo of you receiving a big award, making an important public appearance or achieving a significant career milestone can pay big dividends. You may not want to trust the responsibility of capturing that big moment to your significant other or next door neighbor.

According to Atlanta native and noted celebrity photographer Quinn Hood of Global Images, “Celebrities and high profile people continue to utilize professional photographers because of the expertise they bring in the way of composition, lighting and other key technical aspects of taking a great photo.” Hood has photographed such celebrities as U2 front man Bono, baseball legend Hank Aaron, pioneering music producer Dallas Austin and over the years has built a vital relationship with movie star Chris Tucker. The world famous comedian has found his services so essential to building his brand that he has flown him to Africa on several occasions to capture his many photo ops with foreign dignitaries and world leaders.

Even though a photo is just a still image, it should tell a great story. The background, foreground, subject placement and framing of a photo are the elements of a shoot that good professional photographers are paid to combine to make a winning photograph. According to Hood, “The subject is just one element of a good shot, my job is to make the subject into a verb – then the person looking at it turns it into a complete sentence.” The story that sentence tells to your audience will determine how they will remember your brand.

To reach Quinn Hood Global Images call 404-895-1394or by e-mail @

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