Friday, July 20, 2012

"Business Success" Video Series #6

How to Make the Most of Newsletter Marketing

Newsletter marketing may not be on the cutting edge anymore, but it is certainly still worthwhile. Make the most out of newsletter marketing with help from the principal change agent at Vince Rogers & Associates in this free video clip.

How to Make the Most of Newsletter Marketing —powered by

Video Transcript

This is Vince Rogers with Vince Rogers and Associates. I'm going to talk to you about how to make the most of newsletter marketing. Newsletters help you stay in touch with potential and existing customers and provide them with useful product information. You can share with your potential and existing customers information about sales, rebates, upcoming promotions, and anything else you think will add value to the customer relationship. Newsletter marketing allows you to reinforce the existing customer relationship and continue building interest with potential customers. The two most important reasons to get people to sign up for your newsletter is to collect important customer information and to communicate with customers on a regular basis. You must do more than just share information with your readers. You must provide high quality content that calls for some type of call for action. A call for action is a call to either buy the product now or become a customer later. Some examples of high quality content are surveys, polls, contests and video testimonials. If you provide high quality content that creates value for your customers, they will share this content with their friends and family via their websites and blogs and social networking sites. I'm Vince Rogers, and that's how to make the most of your newsletter marketing.

Read more: Video: How to Make the Most of Newsletter Marketing |

 Business Success 6 — Presentation Transcript

  • 1. Business Success Prepared by Vince Rogers & Associates for Demand Studios
  • 2. How toMake the Most of Newsletter Marketing
  • 3. A Marketing Newsletter can be a great way to stay in touch withexisting and prospective customers
  • 4. The Purposes of a Marketing Newsletter are to: Stay in touch with existing and potential customers Provide them with useful information about sales, product updates, special promotions and other useful information Exchange information that helps to reinforce the existing customer relationship
  • 5. Some visitors to your retail store orwebsite may not have an immediate need for your product or service Getting potential customers to sign up to receive your newsletter allowsyou to continue building interest with prospective customers
  • 6. The are two things that happen every timesomeone signs up to receive your company’snewsletter1) You get to collect information aboutprospective clients2) You get to communicate the benefits ofyour product or service to them on a regularbasis
  • 7. The keys to successful Newsletter Marketing: Provide highly informative and engaging content and Include some kind of “Call to Action” Your “Call to Action” is what Influences readers to either make a direct purchase or provide the company withadditional information that influences later purchases
  • 8. Some examples of effective types of content are: Surveys Polls Contests Giveaways Video Tutorials Referral Programs
  • 9. Newsletter Marketing is a good source for ReferralsNewsletters often get re-circulated in their entirety or individual articles get emailed to friends and reposted on blogs and social media sites Once again, the key to making this happen is by having high quality interactive content that people are compelled to share with their friends and family
  • 10. Your newsletter marketing campaign can be created simply “In-House” or it can be managed by an outside company Content can be created by the company or selected from other sources
  • 11. The Bottom Line is that to be Successful your Newsletter Marketing efforts must Create Value for the Customer The Content must be Useful,Engaging, Enhances the Customer Relationship and include some Inducement to new or potential Customers to Take Action

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